Tuesday, May 8, 2012

rock the shot -May contest "flowers"

my may rock the shot entry www.rocktheshotforum.com
Rock the Shot

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rock the Shot fall photo contest

This is a photo for a Rock the Shot forum contest...this is one of my favorite photos ever! its my friend Sunny and her sons...the moment was sincere, not staged. Very special! i love it!
Rock the Shot

Friday, August 26, 2011

Rock the Shot Contest

This is for a contest by www.rocktheshotforum.com!
This is a shot from a friend's boudoir shoot...I love love love this shot, couldn't have asked for more perfect lighting!
Rock the Shot


Friday, January 21, 2011

baby collin

This is my cousin Tara's baby Collin Emile. I photographed Tara and Roger's wedding, and was excited about Collin's pics! We did a makeshift studio in my living room! But he cooperated well enough for me to get several great shots!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fall Mini Session

Well, a couple of weeks ago, i did some fall mini sessions. I had a day where i had appointment slots throughout the day. I ended up having 7 different families. I am very slowly getting them all edited (i know, im being lazy). But heres a few of my favorites thus far....

from the Grindstaff family:

And the Beane family:

And the McKinney Family:
i photographed gabes (the younger one) baptism a couple years ago, this child is sooo photogenic! i love photgraphing him!

the following photo turned out to be my very favorite from the whole day (so far anyways) i just love this picture!

Keep checking back, i will post more favorties from the rest of the day as i get them edited.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cavin Shoot

Yesterday after work I met my cousins at Laurel Run Park for a shoot. Taylor and Brooke are sisters, and their Nana wanted me to take some pics for her. We had a good shoot for the most part, they got a little restless here and there, but cooperated otherwise! They got to play in the creek and even modeled a bit! I got a tutu that i really wanted to do some pics in, and my very favorite from the whole day is one of brooke wearing it.

I started editing them when i came home, and ive already found a few favorites! I will post some tomorrow!

Coming up hopefully this month, i have Rachels senior photos to do, and Lydias one year photos. so keep checking back for those. Later in the year i hope to also do my first maternity shoot with Crissy Eaton.

Also, Im considering doing a fall photo shoot day. I will set up time slots for appointments (maybe 20-30 minute intervals) and have a little scene set up for a day. I will probably just charge a resonable sitting fee with disk included, or maybe include a small package (maybe an 8x10, 5x7, and some wallets) of one pose, with an order form for more poses/prints. I may also include a coupon off of your next shoot. Anyways, its still an "idea" that im toying with, and I hope to have more details later, so if your interested, let me know! (barefootphotography@live.com)